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Noblesville Elementary Football League

The Registration "Noblesville Elementary Football League" is not currently available.

Level 3 Background Check

Please click the link to proceed with initiating your level 3 background check if interested in coaching on any level within the NEFL.

Gridiron Games Info Released!

All of our All Star teams will be competing in the Gridiron Games from 10/29-11/4.  Below is the schedule by team.  The locations are:

Mudsocks Field: 12160 Packers Ave, Fishers, IN 46037

Westfield HS: 18250 N Union St, Westfield, IN 46074

Grand Park: Events Center (EC) 19000 Grand Park Blvd, Westfield, IN 46074

There will be no admission charged at any location.  Come on out and support our teams!

NEFL Gridiron Games Schedule

Team Opponent Date/Time Location
3rd Grade All Stars Westfield 10/30 at 6:30pm (NEW TIME) Westfield HS
Mudsocks Red 11/2 at 9:00am Grand Park EC1
Brownsburg 11/3 at 9:00am Grand Park EC2
Semi-Final (1-4 Seed) 11/3 at 3:15pm Grand Park EC2/3
Finals (If applicable) 11/4 at 6:00pm Grand Park EC1
4th Grade All Star Mudsocks Red 10/29 at 6:00pm Mudsocks Field
Zionsville 11/2 at 10:15am Grand Park EC3
Brownsburg 11/3 at 10:15am Grand Park EC2
Semi-Finals (1-4 Seed) 11/3 at 4:30pm Grand Park EC1/2
Finals (If applicable) 11/4 at 6:00pm Grand Park EC2
5th Grade All Stars Westfield 10/30 at 7:45pm (NEW TIME) Westfield HS
Zionsville 11/2 at 11:30am Grand Park EC3
New Pal 11/3 at 11:30am Grand Park EC3
Semi-Finals (1-4 Seed) 11/3 at 4:30pm(1/4) or 5:45pm(2/3) Grand Park EC3/1
Finals (If applicable) 11/4 at 6:00pm Grand Park EC3
6th Grade All Stars Brownsburg 10/30 at 7:15pm Mudsocks Fields
Mudsocks 11/2 at 12:45pm Grand Park EC2
Flashes 11/3 at 12:45pm Grand Park EC3
Semi-Finals (1-4 Seed) 11/3 at 5:45pm Grand Park EC2/3
Finals (If applicable) 11/4 at 7:15pm Grand Park EC1

Please Share Your Feedback To Help Us Improve!


The NEFL is a not-for-profit volunteer driven organization dedicated to providing the youth of Noblesville a fun and safe activity while teaching the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and leadership through football and cheerleading.

Parking Reminders for Dillon Park

As we excitedly prepare for our opening weekend, we thought it prudent to share the authorized and unauthorized parking areas in and near Dillon Park.  Please look closely at the map.  All areas marked in green are acceptable parking area.  THERE IS NO PARKING THE ROAD BEHIND KROGER.  This is a signed NO PARKING area, and refusual to comply may result in ticketing and/or towing.  Please help us maintain a good relationship with Kroger, one of our communnity partners, and be respectful of their property.

Grinders Cheer Coach

Grinders & In-House Cheerleaders